Modern Islamic extremists and terrorism

[Islamic State] one hundred million US dollars request of al-Qaeda ...

Modern Islamic extremists and terrorism Video person seen with members of the Islamic militant organization [Islamic State] (IS) is, the Japanese government, which have to pay the ransom billion dollars (about billion) within the time, to kill the hostages who, threaten There have been published 0 days. Overseas media, about the motives and effects of the incident, are speculating the analysis. For ransom request is to stand out in the world of media? IS has been published a similar threatening video in the past, but was explicitly requested a ransom, it is the first time. For its aim, Eugenio Lilli researcher of the University of London King's College war studies department, in the British Telegraph, than the money itself is referred to as a purpose, something of the hope the publicity effect, and have guessed. In the world of Islamic extremists, now, has been mainly carried out power struggle between IS and al-Qaeda, he said. Both, to only be trying to win the leadership position of authenticity, since 0 years, he referred to are vying.
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